Saturday, October 24, 2009

Kaleb Was a Sick Boy This Week

This week revolved around Kaleb and his ever distressed stomach. He also frequently complained of a headache but I could never tell if it was brought on by some illness or his disdain for algebra. We lost some ground on his school work schedule because of his illness – which actually started last week but having four kids in the house to run around with somehow helped him forget his pains. After the Roberts left, however, all he wanted to do was lie on the couch and moan. Just as Kory recuperated enough to get up from the couch, Kaleb took his place.

I don’t get any brownie points for being a good mom this week as I called “baloney” on most of Kaleb’s complaints and I made him do his schoolwork anyway. When I wasn’t around, Kory set him free so he could perfect his couch potato skills. Boy does Kaleb ever know how to work Kory. Without hard evidence of a fever or any other overt symptoms, I wasn’t buying it, yet his complaints persisted. He swore his stomach hurt even when he drank water, so he didn’t eat or drink much all week. Finally on Thursday, he did feel a little feverish and he said he felt nauseous. I very lackadaisically got up from the couch to go get him a barf bowl and just as I was pulling it out from the cupboard, Kaleb came running by me trying to get to the toilet. I held out the bowl just in time. I then had terrible feelings of remorse for all the grief I’d been giving him about “faking it.” So much for my mother of the year award. Needless to say, he didn’t do school work that day even though he felt much better after throwing up. He was thrilled to have the day to sit and read more “Redwall” books and play his Nintendo. The only bad part about it was that his classes from Johns Hopkins are on a schedule and he was getting behind.

Normally Friday afternoons are playtime after Friday School (the homeschool co-op we attend) but I had him stay home to do some of his work. He’s well into the depths of learning how to set up web pages and the amount of time it takes to keep up with the homework for that class is unbelievable. He got behind last week when we had company so it wasn’t good this week to try and catch up, especially when he was feeling a little punky. But he loves that web class so much he was up late Friday night and worked on it all day today – well into the night. He’s pretty excited he can now link videos and pdf files to a site – which is what he really needs to know if he’s going to set up a website for his Weekly Puppy subscribers. He’s getting close. Last night he nearly gave up as the homework was so tough, but after a good night’s sleep he figured out why certain things weren’t working the way they should and today he enjoyed the fruits of his labor. I tried to paste in the example of the kinds of things he’s “coding,” (programming) but it actually affected this website, so I had to take off the first character < from every line to keep it from reprogramming this webpage!  See, he wrote this -

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

body style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS',verdana;">
table width="100%" height="100%" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0" border="0">
!-- ============ This table row and cell is the header ============== -->
td colspan="2" height="80" bgcolor="#0469B3">

My Assignment

!-- ============ This table cell is the center left section ============== -->
td width="10%" valign="top" bgcolor="#BFE2F9">
a href="my_embedded_youtubes2.htm">Video1

He so impresses me sometimes with what he is capable of, I can hardly believe we share DNA.

It was such a gorgeous day today I felt terrible Kaleb was inside on a computer but he was pumped over all the tricks he’s learning how to do and only the neighbor dog, Duchess, was able to coax him outside for a few minutes to play ball. Kory and I went a bit overboard on yard work as there was a lot of wind yesterday and when we woke up today we couldn’t see a speck of green in our lawn. All the cedar trees that surround us had left their rust colored droppings all over our yard. Plus all the maple trees dumped their leaves as well so I got out the riding lawn mower and looked at it as an opportunity to “vacuum” the yard. I love that instant gratification stuff. I then raked all the flower beds and now the yard looks like a well manicured park. I took photos because I know it won’t last long.

Kory spent the day trimming some bushes that border one of our neighbors – he was so pleased with himself that he worked hard all day and never had to go inside to lie down even once. But for several hours this evening he’s been on the couch “relaxing.”

This week was pretty routine – Sunday was church and Kaleb’s Christmas program practice; Monday Kory schooled Kaleb all day and I worked on some photo books, Kory went to Seattle on Tuesday to work at our apartment building and I went down on Wednesday to take Grammy J shopping and do some housework for her. She’s getting better but is still in a wheelchair. I love my Wednesdays with Janet. Thursday was Kaleb’s worst “sick day,” and I taught my Money management class on Friday. Most days seem so boring and routine. It really was lonely this week without company here, but just in case someone drops by, our place looks FABULOUS!

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