I’m in love with my new kayak! I’ve been out three times in the last week alone, which speaks volumes because I’m not a “three times a week” of ANYTHING type gal. My maiden voyage was last Sunday with my friend Carol. We went out on Padilla Bay as the evening sun sparkled on the water. We were the only ones out there, rowing along the shore and getting the feel of it. She’s a pro already so she showed me the ropes. I still need to take a safety class, but I can tell this is my thing.
Kaleb and I went to Big Lake on Tuesday to have our first adventure in the kayak together. We rowed about a third of the way down the lake, across and back up the other side. It was so great to go at a slow pace and spy on all the houses along the shore. I love looking at houses and yards and it gave the two of us quite a bit to talk about, which surprised me a little. It was nice to talk to Kaleb when he doesn’t have a book in his hand, so I was pleased with how that day shaped up.
On Thursday, Kory and I had our first shot at being on the kayak together when we joined Carol and her husband Terry up at Lake Padden near Bellingham (see photo of Kaleb and his friend Carter out on the lake in it). It was Terry’s first time out too, so we had fun racing across the lake and just enjoying the heat of the day from the cool of the lake. I’m so in love with the concept of kayaking I can’t stand it. Carol is already plugging the idea of buying dry suits so we can do it all winter. I’m game. Forget buying a motor boat, the slow pace and added bonus of a work-out is just the ticket for me. I’m so distracted by all the beauty surrounding me, I don’t even notice the burn in my arms as I row, row, row that boat. Hallelujah!
Speaking of work-outs… I started going to a friend’s house this week to work out with her on her equipment. It’s a new routine for the fall that I hope gets good results. I’m so out of shape it's embarrassing. I used to walk two miles every morning with my neighbor, but when her husband got laid off and she opted to snuggle in bed with him rather than get up at the crack of dawn to walk with me, I just got lazy. Now it’s payback time.
I got out of my slump from last week by adding many more things to my to-do list this week, so I was in production mode again, ticking them off one by one. I really do like to be productive with my time, so it’s been a good week and I’ve been too busy to write or blog (imagine that!) Time goes by WAY too quickly sometimes.
Kory has some new health “challenges” I’ve spent a great deal of time researching lately, and in my efforts to keep him off antibiotics, I’ve been juicing all kinds of concoctions and pumping him full of vitamin C and Oil of Oregano. I hope it works. I just have to believe that God has provided all that we need to cure ourselves naturally. It’s not always the case, but I like to give His creation first shot at it anyway. I’m just thankful it’s nothing life threatening, as he has enough things breaking down in his body already, he doesn’t need more to add to the list. The next few weeks he’ll have more tests and that should help pinpoint the source of his infection so we’ll know more later.
Kaleb has continued having one friend after another over to our house to play. I’m so thrilled when he’s given the option to go to his friend’s house or for them to come over, he chooses for them to come here since he thinks he has so many cool things to entertain them – a zip line, suspension bridge, tree fort, the woods, biking, bows and arrows and such… I love that he loves our home and wants to be here. I like being home, too, especially when there are people here to share it with. It’s been a good week.
The Movie
10 years ago
Oh my goodness, I am dying for a kayak too! Our Brian has one & I've been often. Love it. Longing for one for next summer. Sigh.
ReplyDeletePraying for Kory. Have you browsed the book at the Co-Op? I'm sure you have but elderberry is good, cranberry too. I hope it gets better very soon.
I will be missing you! Can't wait for more good times when home again. Love your blog, Mickey. I will be keeping up with you that way.