At a certain age, just celebrating the decades seems to be adequate enough. I’m in one of those “mid” years now, so doing anything special to draw attention to that fact - isn’t high on my priority list.
Ever since I was 18, I’ve always tried to go somewhere on my birthday that I’ve never been before. I love new places. I’ve managed to do that fairly regularly over the years, even if I don’t hit it right on the exact birth date, and this is one of those years. We are flying to Colorado on Tuesday, not so much to celebrate my birthday, but while we are there, we’ll be driving down to New Mexico and going to the UFO museum in Roswell, and THAT is a place I’ve never been. So I’m trying to avoid any other celebratory events that highlight the extra candle on the imaginatory cake, and focusing on the fact I’m soon doing something I love to do by going to a new place. Of course, that’s not a place I would pick as a birthday “gift,” but as any mother knows, when our kids are happy, we are happy. Kaleb is intrigued by the concept of UFOs and since we’ll be within a seven hours drive of that place, it’s doable.
We are heading to Colorado to attend the wedding of the daughter of friends of ours, and also to visit other friends in the Denver area. Now really, THAT is the best way to spend time, in my opinion, whether it’s celebrating a birthday or not – just having a cup of coffee and catching up with old friends. I don’t think life gets any better. So on that note, I spent the bulk of today on the phone, calling some of my favorite people and just chatting. Kaleb was gone all day playing with a friend, Kory was working at church, and I had the house to myself, so I made sure it wasn’t too quiet by talking non-stop the entire day. I had to take a break a few times to charge up my cell phone, but otherwise, it was great.
Kory and Kaleb brought me breakfast in bed early this morning. Kaleb played “Happy Birthday” on the piano and they both made me gifts carved from wood. I loved it. (Kory made the "puzzle" in the photo - the object is to get both hearts on the same side... ha ha.) We went out to dinner last night to celebrate and I went to a hysterical play in Seattle a few nights ago with another friend, as her way of acknowledging one more year of my life on earth. It’s been a pretty good week, considering….
It’s been nearly six years since we found out that Kory had some clogged arteries near his heart. In all that time we’ve prayed for wisdom, healing and direction. God clearly said NOT to do anything surgical and Kory’s been doing naturopathic things all this time. We’ve had an outstanding “fleece” with God – a certain open ended prayer that if He ever did want Kory to have any surgical intervention, that Kory would get angina pain in his arm when he is just sitting down – not when he is exercising (he is able to bring on that pain with exertion.) Well, Kory hasn’t done much exercising at all the last two years, so his stamina level has been dropping significantly. My pleading with him to get out of the recliner and go for a walk has fallen on deaf ears. But this week, he informed me that as he was sitting in the recliner watching a very scary movie, his heart rate got up so high that he actually got angina in his arm. So, we are now wondering what that really means. On the one hand, it’s definitely the answer to our outstanding request, but on the other hand, it’s perplexing. So, we are now asking for some kind of confirmation that surgery is really the way to go. I’ve lost a few night’s sleep over this new bit of news, but I do know I can’t borrow any worries about tomorrow because today is all we have, and things are pretty good today. But God has definitely gotten our attention.
All this came about on the same day that Kory found out the other health issue he’s been dealing with isn’t nearly as bad as it could have been – Hallelujah! He had a bladder infection and the urologist thought it was from scar tissue that was formed from his early years of racing motor cycles and injuries sustained to certain parts of his anatomy. If the infections (he’s had many over the years) were caused from that – surgery was the only solution, and not pleasant on any level. But we found out this week, the “dinner and a healing” we had a few weeks ago when we invited friends over to pray for Kory, produced some good results. No scar tissue was found. Thank you, Jesus! But what the tests did reveal was that Kory was born with a little annex to his bladder which is what could be contributing to these infections. Of course, surgery is optional, as it’s not a serious condition, but if he did want surgery on it, the doctor said he’d need to get his heart condition in order first. Strange timing.
It’s been an emotional roller coaster this week, to say the least. On the upside though, Kaleb has done very well own schooling himself. He’s made a lot of money and caused us very little grief. He’s loving Honors Chemistry and even caught a mistake Johns Hopkins made on the first test he took on the structure of the atom. His professor was impressed, as she hadn’t even caught that one. Nothing escapes that boy. I also started teaching this week and I realized I need more prep time than I allowed so I might not have as much time to sit and write a book as I thought, but I’ve come up with the title for my autobiography which is yet to be written. All week I’ve been referring to the time I had with God out on the lake at family camp, and my mantra has been, “My oars are in the boat,” meaning, I’m not the one in control here. A friend suggested it would make a great book title, so I think I’ll use that, as surely, I’m not the one steering this ship.
The Movie
10 years ago
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