School started back up this week and I was worried about Kaleb being resistant to it after having two weeks off, so I prayed. God, being the all faithful listener of my non-stop prayers, heard the cries of my heart and answered me in the best possible way. Kaleb was pleasant, cooperative and hard working all week – more so than he’s been this whole school year. Hallelujah! He got a lot of work done without complaint or whining. It was the kind of week that if repeated, would make homeschooling him a joy and pleasure. I need to keep praying.
We finally got around to removing the Christmas decorations this week. The house was a mess and Kaleb, who loves to coin a new phrase, said, “Boy, this place is sure Christmessy.” He’s so clever, that kid. He got another good laugh out of me the next day. He’s been memorizing entire chapters in the Bible (because verses are just too easy), so when he saw Kory reading in First John he said, “I know the Second Letter of John.” Impressed, Kory said, “Really? Let’s hear it.” Kaleb responded with “O.” Too funny.
Kory’s been painting every day, all day, and well into the night. Even when he should be paying attention to Kaleb on “his days” schooling him, he’s downstairs painting. He’s been painting until 2am several nights in a row. I don’t know what the obsession is, but he’s got a learning curve to master and he’s working hard trying to master it. He’s good already, but he wants to be better.
We had the meeting with his cardiologist this week just to hear him say again that Kory is fine and the angina he gets is nothing to worry about. We’ll see him in a year. I didn’t realize how much stress I was carrying around not knowing if Kory could drop dead at any minute, but now that we are beyond that worry for the moment, I feel completely different inside. The tension is gone and so far this week, I haven’t eaten anything compulsively, which has been an unexpected added benefit. Hallelujah for that!
Last night we had two couples over for an evening of food and fellowship. I’d purchased a lot of food for the expected company we were to have last week, but when we all got the flu, those meals just didn’t get made. I cooked up some of it last night and it was good, so I’m glad we got to share it with friends. One couple that came up from Mill Creek just decided to spend the night, so the evening got extended until noon today. That was an extra bonus and sort of made up for all that we missed out on when we were sick. It’s good to have friends.
I guess if I have one goal for this New Year it would be to eat less and pray more, both of which require more self control. I’ve noticed that a lack of self control is the root of many of my evils. It’s time to move on.
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