Sunday, October 9, 2011


The good news is, 99.5% of my itching from the poison ivy attack is gone.  I can take hot showers again, sleep through the night and wear clothes.  The bad news is, all my pains are NOT gone and that’s not necessarily referring to my poison ivy attack.

Our company from Norway is on their last week with us.  Sabina, the 13 year old, joined Kaleb last week in a Missoula Children’s Theatre production of “King Arthur.”  She was a damsel in distress; Kaleb was a knight in shining armor.  The play went incredibly well and it always boggles my mind that they have auditions on Monday and by Friday they are performing the play.  It’s such a good experience for kids to have, even if it creates a crazy making week for the adults that have to schlepp them around. 

Most homeschool kids canceled all their schoolwork for the week so they could concentrate on memorizing their lines and going to the five hour a day rehearsals.  Kaleb, unfortunately, still had to attend his Physics and English classes and go to his piano lesson.  I canceled math for him and all his other subjects, but the three heaviest hitters got him pretty stressed out, especially since he had his first big exam in Physics this past week.  He had a few meltdowns over the time pressures and there was stomping and screaming and doors slamming.  He even ran away from home for a few minutes (down the driveway, hidden in the trees).  I wasn’t home at the time but when everyone finally settled down, Kory agreed to let him skip his piano practice for the day and that helped reduce his stress.

It was a very stressful week for me because besides the Norwegian guests, we had one of the directors from Missoula staying at our house and both of our cars had events that landed them in the repair shop so there was a lot of extra strain on my time.  Really, I thought I’d pop a cork a few times but I got smart and called up some prayer warrior friends of mine and sure enough, things started to calm down and life seemed manageable again after their prayers reached the heavens.  Prayer is an incredible thing.  Whenever we bring something before the throne of God, stuff happens – or stops happening as it was in my case.  Hallelujah!

My neighbor, Wendy, had a cider press party last Sunday and we took the Norwegians there.  Another person at the party sat and talked to Tone, the mom,  for hours on end and wanted to get together with her again before she left, so today is the day for that.  Sabina went home with the Wilkens after church (friends of ours), so she could hang out with their daughter, Joanna.  Kory and Kaleb are on a scout outing today and tomorrow and right now, I’m not sure what to do with me, myself and I.  The house is quiet, the laundry is folded and dishes washed.  I took a quick nap, then prepared for an upcoming class I’m teaching on Friday, got ready for our home fellowship group tonight and paced the floor wondering what to do next, which is when the idea of updating my blog came to me.  I haven’t thought about it all week as I’ve been gone from early morning until late night every day and writing has been the last thing on my mind.

Oh, I just now remembered the big news of the week.  I won two awards for my writing!  I forgot all about that.  Friday I attended the Washington Newspapers Association “Best Newspaper” awards ceremony in Everett.  The editor of our local paper bought dinner for all us award winners so it was fun to meet the other people that work for the paper.  Most of the awards our paper got were for photography and advertising design, but I won 3rd place in state for Best General Feature Story for the article I wrote about connecting two long lost buddies, and I won 2nd place for Best General Interest Column for my “Nuggets from Norway” column.  How cool is that?  I’m now an award-winning writer.  Who knew.  The guy that won first place for best column also writes for our paper so we nearly swept that category.  It was a fun night and I found out my cousin Neil would have been the MC and given out the awards if he weren’t recovering from a stem cell transplant.  He’s the big boss of the printing company that sponsors the event.  Small world.

This week, my favorite person in the whole world (Janet Johnson! - see photo of her with Kaleb above) turned 75 and she wouldn’t even let me throw her a party, but I at least got to bring a cake to our Bible study, in her honor.  I’m so glad God’s kept her around for the rest of us to enjoy.

Kory has been enjoying spending time with Tone, and since my schedule has kept me out of the house so much, he’s been taking her with him everywhere he goes, so I wouldn’t be surprised if rumors start to fly of him having an affair with some hot blonde Norwegian bombshell. 

There are so many things I could write about, but I won’t because I’d just as soon forget about them.  Life is soon back to normal however, so I’m hanging on for the ride.  

Most of the photos were taken two weeks ago at the Festival of Family farms in Skagit Valley.  I love it here.

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