Monday, July 12, 2010

Boys Behaving Badly

I was about DONE dealing with Kaleb and all his whining, crying, picking fights with Tobias and generally NOT obedient behavior today. I left early this morning to go grocery shopping in town, as I had lost my cool early on and designated this day to be a day Kory got to deal with all the drama. Kory wasn’t “in charge” more than five minutes when he decided to head out the door with just Tobias and leave Kaleb at home alone. He couldn’t deal with him either. When he called to tell me that, I flipped out all the more and told him he better NOT leave Kaleb at home, because I was coming back and I needed him GONE. Kory knew the tone in my voice meant business, so he took Kaleb along. The Highland Games were in town this weekend so he took the boys there and killed about an hour and a half watching various Scottish games and competitions. Kaleb was so thrilled there were many sheepdogs at the event, he nearly forgot to be a jerk.

I didn’t have enough time at home to even unload all the groceries before the three of them came home again. They’d stopped and picked up a friend of Kaleb’s so the boys could run around together. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but Kaleb just couldn’t get over himself and he behaved badly, even to his friend, Isaiah. Kaleb was hell bent on picking a fight with Tobias all day, so he ended up with a few new bruises as a result. I kept telling him to knock it off, but he insisted he would “fight to the death.” Every time he started crying, Tobias would let up. I asked him over and over again why he needed to be such a pain in the butt and why he couldn’t learn to just leave Tobias alone. He said he thought it was fun. I told him Tobias doesn’t like it and it seems he didn’t either, based on all the crying he does. He said it’s just an “act” to get Tobias to stop hitting him. I warned him about the “Boy Who Cried Wolf” and I said I won’t know when he really is hurt, if he cries just to get him to stop. He failed to understand, so I nearly cried by day’s end, having to be around him acting so poorly. He finally admitted he was jealous of Tobias because he’s getting such special favors and so much attention, but I assured him it’s just a temporary thing because his time in America is so short. He’s never had to deal with any kind of sibling issues, so I guess it’s good he’s dealing with it now. I just wish I were more patient with the process because he had me screaming all day long. Poor Tobias. I can’t imagine what his memories of this summer will be.

The boys were having fun with the water guns because it was hot enough today to be cooled down by a water fight. Kaleb thought he’d be clever and hang from his zip line, just out of reach from the spray, but he misjudged the distance and got soaked something awful. He was dripping wet and they wouldn’t stop shooting him so he was mad as a pistol and couldn’t escape from the harness to get away from the water. He went insane in the process, as he had no way to control anyone. That’s the bottom line in all of this acting out, I’m sure. He’s not able to be in control. I tried to talk to Kaleb and explain he can lose friends over his behavior, but I’m certain that thought didn’t register either, even though Isaiah suggested he just ask for forgiveness, forgive Tobias and get on with the day. What’s a mother to do?

I tried desperately to clean the house today, but I kept getting interrupted with all the drama, in spite of my efforts to have Kory be the focal point. Kory found himself buried in the garage, taking care of his own agenda, as the human drama was just too much.

After dinner I let Tobias take the car for another little drive before Kory took the boys to the speedway to watch some race cars go around and around a track (see photo). I finally got to enjoy some peace and quiet while doing yard work, until my friends Dani and Chris returned from their time up in Canada. That was all the excuse I needed to finally quit and sit down for once. Dani noticed right away the house looked better, so I guess I got something done other than be referee. Life’s little pleasures.

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