I slept in today then drank coffee out on the deck while reading the Bible. I listened to the birds singing, the sound of the waterfall in our pond, and felt the warmth of the sun on my body. I managed to relax, even if for just a few minutes, before I decided it was time to get things done around here that have been neglected far too long. I mowed, I watered, I weeded, I pruned, and I watered some more. I looked for anything that would keep me outside, not only to enjoy the beautiful sunshine, but to keep from facing the chores that awaited me inside, like cleaning out the frig, folding laundry and washing dishes. Those chores waited until the mosquitoes came out. I did venture into LaConner briefly to get Kaleb’s haircut, and run a few errands, but otherwise, we were all home alone. Normally I wouldn’t like that scenario, but today, it was actually quite pleasant. I’m still trying to get used to Kaleb’s new look, however. It’s been five years since he’s had a buzz cut, and I forgot just how big his ears are. Good thing his hair will grow back. What was I thinking?
It was a lovely day, just puttering around our house with nothing special to do or any place to go. Kory took two loads to the dump - one of them containing his old BBQ I bought for his first Father’s Day, 11 years ago. It desperately needed replacing, so the new one was unpacked today and because it holds much more on the grill, Kory is quite pleased with it.
Kaleb was aching for a playdate with a friend, but I couldn’t bear the thought of driving him anywhere, so I didn’t even try to line up anything. He spent the day reading library books and playing with a new remote control helicopter he bought with his own money. Life’s little pleasures.
We enjoyed a late dinner of veggie burgers cooked up on the new grill and root beer floats to make it seem all the more like summer. We ate out on our deck as the long shadows started appearing across the valley floor (see photo). The evening ended with some friends knocking on our door, wanting a place to spend the night. I told them if they were in the area, to drop by, so they did. Kory had just popped popcorn and we were about to begin another family movie night, but we opted for a little social time with friends instead. It couldn’t have been better, as now we aren’t home alone anymore. I so love having friends in our home. Sleep tight.
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