Saturday, October 17, 2009

Time Marches On

We almost had a normal, routine week, but then the Robert’s came back for a visit on Wednesday and stayed til late this afternoon. It was impossible to get Kaleb to do school work after that, but we so enjoy their stays with us that we just blew off school for a few days and let the kids run wild. It’s a joy for us all when our house is full of friends (even if the kids spend most of their energy trying to spy on us). Bennett, their 8 year old boy, was running through the house yesterday and I overheard him say to Kaleb, “I sure wish you were my brother or cousin or something…” to which Kaleb replied, “I AM your brother – in Christ!” I thought that was pretty cute. They all play so well together, and we love visiting with Joni and Jimmy – lots of late nights, stories and wine. Good thing we don’t have to get up in the morning and go to work.

What school Kaleb did do – he did pretty well. His piano teacher said he is learning quicker than any kid she’s ever had – and she’s been teaching for 24 years! So maybe he’s a natural. I love having piano music in the house, even if it is just a steady plunk here and there. Kaleb also had a mid-term science project due this week which he’s nearly done with (he’s making his own bouncy balls), and he got his mid-term exam back with an 84%. He loves science, and has decided to be a mad scientist for Halloween.

I thought he was working on his Halloween costume when we went to a craft store this week. As we were getting out of the car, he’d taken a big bite of a piece of bread and began to chew it as he walked behind me. I heard a muffled, “I think I have a loose tooth” and when I turned around, all I saw were two bloody hands, blood smeared all over his face, down his neck and the wad of white bread in his mouth completely soaked in blood. It was the grossest thing I’ve seen and we had nothing to clean it up with so he went walking through the store looking for the bathroom like a real life monster. One of his molars came out – the one that had a cavity – and I couldn’t believe how huge of a hole it had eaten into the side of the tooth! It was discovered while we were in Norway but they said they wouldn’t do anything about it because the tooth would soon fall out anyway, so it served as a good example of why he needs to brush and floss and avoid sugar. Eeek.

Kory has gone three days now without even using a back brace so he’s excited about that. Each week shows more and more improvement but I’m anxious for him to get back up to his normal levels as we are still having to hire out the repairs down at our apartment building and it’s costing a fortune. Kory has started going down there once a week, but he’s still afraid to lift anything or do any big jobs, which hurts the bottom line (and his back), but hopefully not for long. I’m thinking he’s been lying around way too much though as somehow the blood has stopped flowing to his brain. I discovered all the apple cider we pressed a few weeks ago – in the basement pantry. Normally we freeze the cider, but this year, for some reason, Kory put it in the pantry. I only noticed it because the bottles swelled up so much in the process of fermenting, that they rolled right off the lower shelf where he’d stashed them. What was he thinking?
I’m continuing to plod along. I’m not nearly as productive as I’d like to be but at least I haven’t been screaming or crying lately. I have so many things I want to do but the days just fly by. Planning out Kaleb’s school days, and doing the preparation for the money class I’m teaching on Fridays are huge time consumers, and keeping the house clean is the biggest energy drain on the planet. But “this too shall pass,” as my daddy used to say.

Kaleb and I did some baking on Tuesday – he made some yummy molasses cookies and a cake for his friend. When I was upstairs taking the cookies out of the oven, he was downstairs putting the final ingredients in the pound cake (almond and lemon extract). When I licked the spoon as I was pouring the batter into the pan I noticed it didn’t taste like I thought it would. Kaleb asked if I liked his “experiment,” so I had to ask what he had done. He decided a little mint extract might also be good in the cake, which I must say, wasn’t. He thinks cooking is a lot like science because he gets to mix things together and he never knows just what might happen. Unfortunately, we have to eat the results.

We’ve had some beautiful days this week, complete with rainbows, dramatic lighting and glorious sunrises. We love where we live (see photo of our view) and we’re now thankful for the rain. Two deer have been hanging out in our driveway for a while, but something has eaten the goldfish in our pond this week. The moles are all dead and the eagles and snow geese are returning. The fall colors make my heart skip a beat and almost bring tears to my eyes. I so love this time of year.

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