Monday, October 18, 2010

A Painful Week

The stiff-necked Kory was around for a solid five days, crying off and on from the pain.  The x-rays showed he has three bone spurs and some degenerative stuff going on.  The muscles in his neck were too stiff so the chiropractor was unable to do anything most of the week.  Even with aspirin, ice, muscle relaxers and my prayers, nothing helped.  He was immobile and whining from Monday to Friday and I nearly lost my mind.  There was nothing that stopped his pain, no position to be free from it, and of course my lack of sympathy made things worse.  I had to school Kaleb all week again, which wears me down on a whole other level, so it hasn’t been too fun around our house lately.

I finally got wise Friday night and posted a notice to all my “friends” on Facebook, asking for prayer for Kory and when he woke up Saturday, he actually felt better!  Why I didn’t think of that sooner, I have no idea.  The Bible says the “prayers of the righteous availeth much” so apparently I’m not righteous enough, but my friends sure are because he is finally on the road to recovery!  Hallelujah!  At least he can move without crying out in pain.  His neck is still very stiff, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Now we get to deal with his heart.

Kory has an upcoming appointment on Wednesday with a cardiologist, as God indeed confirmed that he should do something medically to help his clogged arteries.  I’m sure an angiogram will be ordered shortly thereafter and we’ll know then whether stents will fix his problem or if he’ll need by-pass surgery.  He’s confident he’ll only need a stent or two -  I’m think he’ll need a multiple by-pass, but only God knows, and what happens, happens.  We are both at peace with it and I’m going to have to count on friends and family to get me through, as I surely can’t homeschool Kaleb every day while dealing with Kory in any kind of recovery mode.  My gifting is not in the nurturing department, and Kory is a pathetic patient.  I’m not thinking God’s been preparing me to take care of Kory with his recent neck problem, bladder problem, kidney problem, back problem…. I’m thinking I’m worn out already and need to call for backup.  I’m thankful I have friends.

Our weekly routine was pretty routine and on the mark.  The only difference this week was that I did double time with Kaleb and we dog sat.  We had Kaleb’s favorite dog, Kitty, for two days and then Friday we got his other two favorite yellow labs, Penny and Luna.  They will be with us for two weeks and if Kaleb does all their care, it’s no problem to have them here, but he’s already been gone this weekend to a junior high retreat so I’ve been up before dawn to walk them and they stick to me like Velcro.  I haven’t yet figured out how to teach them to sleep in or to stick to Kaleb.  They are no respecters of weekend hours, that’s for sure.

Kory drove his 1963 Studebaker Avanti up here to Mount Vernon for the winter so he can work on it a little.  It’s been in the garage at our apartment building in Seattle for over twenty years and he takes it for a spin every now and then when he’s down there.  We used to go on all our dates in that car before we were married, but things seem to change dramatically after the wedding.  This weekend was sunny enough and Kory finally felt good enough to take the car for a spin so we’ve been cruising around the Skagit Valley a little remembering what life was like before we were married.  I forgot how fun that car is.  It’s helped Kory’s spirits too, as he feels 21 when he steps on the accelerator, and that takes him back to his care-free single days, which always plasters a smile on his face. 

Kaleb is now home from a successful weekend camp retreat.  He’s tired, but he had a wonderful time, which erased all the bad memories of his summer camp experience, so I’m thankful to God for that. And now a new week unfolds (see photo of this morning’s sunrise) with all it’s predictability, and my prayer is God prepares us for what we don’t have planned.

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