Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I Think Spring Has Sprung

It’s been tough this last week to stay indoors and do school work, house work, book work and laundry because that bless-sed yellow ball high up in the heavens has been shining down on us! A few days it was even in the sixties around here and no coats were necessary to be outdoors. Kaleb and I tilled our little garden patches, snipped dead branches from various bushes in the yard and raked up the last of long-dead leaves. Any excuse to be outside was a good one. I even mowed the lawn as nature is sure that spring is just around the corner. All my tulips and daffodils are popping up out of the ground and the buds on all our fruit trees are anxious to bloom. Woo hoo.

We were thankful this past week that our friends, the Roberts, from Montana, came and stayed a few more nights with us before heading back home. Kaleb just fits right in with their brood of four blonde haired beauties and we love them all like family (well, probably better than family). Kaleb liked that he got to skip a few days of school when they were here and I loved that Joni always made us breakfast. She makes the best scrambled eggs I’ve ever tasted. They are so yummy she even took someone’s suggestion and made a “how-to” video and posted it on You Tube so all the world can now have them each and every morning. In Montana, they raise their own chickens so going through a dozen eggs a day is nothing with all those mouths to feed but it’s so odd for me to have dozens of eggs in the frig at a time. Joni swears it’s the only way to keep the kiddies from complaining of hunger until lunch time – cheesy scrambled eggs and toast staves off the hunger pains, I can surely attest to that.

Kaleb is submitting his first draft of The Weekly Puppy website to his teacher tomorrow. I’m sure there will be a few things to fix, but for the most part, it’s done. He’ll go live with it very soon. I’m so glad to have it off the school schedule as that Web design class has taken about 20 hours a week to keep up with and it causes Kaleb to cry quite often when things don’t do what he wants them to do. I’m so ready for something else. His piano lessons are still going well though, so that’s good. And the amount of push-up’s he’s been doing has been slowly decreasing each day, so I think I’ve found the perfect form of discipline for him. Double woo hoo.

We started up a new home fellowship group this week with folks from our church. Our old group is only meeting once a month and we need more fellowship than that, so we started another group that meets twice a month. That should do us, for now.

Kory and I had our annual “business meeting” this past weekend at a local B&B. Once a year we go away and plan our year – what house projects we’re going to do (I mean, KORY is going to do), what vacations we’ll take and when, we set the budget, and plan out our time, month-by-month. It’s crazy that two non-working people need to be so organized, but it’s the only way we can get on the same page and not bicker about priorities. Now, everything is written down and we are in agreement. Hallelujah! Kory thinks the whole event is just a sneaky way for me to control his free time, but he tends to get distracted if he doesn’t have a road map in front of him. Over a month ago he went outside to start putting a roof on the summer kitchen. He got distracted by a large piece of wood he cut from a tree that fell in our driveway several years ago. He decided now was the time to make benches to set around our fire pit because the wood was “in his way.” Here’s the major difference between Kory and I. I would have just moved the wood to another location and gotten to the task of replacing the roof. He needs things written down or he forgets what he’s supposed to be doing. I was thankful he came right home from our meeting and started painting the bathroom – just like we agreed. Oh happy day. There’s a method to my madness.

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