Saturday, July 23, 2011

Finally, the Sun has Returned!

It’s hard to impress our Norwegian guests with the beauty of the Northwest when the skies are grey and rain is falling.  I’ve been a bit worried about the weather for the weeks they are here, but finally, the sun has returned and at least for now, they will be able to enjoy some of the many outdoor adventures that await them.

This morning we took a hike out to a small island not far from our house.  It’s one of Skagit County’s best kept secrets.  It was pretty grey to start the day, but as we returned to the car, finally the clouds parted.  The tide was also too high to enjoy any beach, so I’m thinking we need to go back before they leave, as it truly is a tropical paradise when the conditions are right.

A stop at Snowgoose Produce for some ice cream served as our lunch for the day as no one was hungry after eating one of those.

My friend Amy, and her four boys, and another family joined us on our hike.  Amy’s son, Spencer is Kaleb’s good friend so Kaleb insisted Spencer and his brother Lazlo come home with us and spend the night.  Andre wanted to have more kids to play some Pokemon games with, so we increased our numbers by two today.  The trampoline at home provided enough entertainment for all the boys that we didn’t even know they were here.  
 Kory & Haavard napping on our deck...

Tonight we had a home fellowship group out at Bayview, behind a boat building business owned by one of the guys in our group.  The sun was warm and some of the kids played in the water while the group of boys hung out at the beach, playing hide-and-seek and doing what pre-teen boys do.  The adults all had a chance to visit. 

Kory took the Bjerknes’ down the street to pick blueberries at our friend’s house so tomorrow we’ll have fresh blueberries for breakfast.  They brought vanilla sauce with them from Norway so it will be a little taste from home.

It was a sad day today though, since the overriding news of what happened in Norway dominated everyone’s thoughts.  It’s not easy to comprehend.  The world is changing and without God, there is certainly no hope.

Our home fellowship group - minus the 14 kids.

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