Monday, July 25, 2011

Hardy Norwegians

We all had to rush through breakfast to get out the door in time for church this morning.  It wasn’t at all how I planned to start my day, in such a rush and all, but it was so gorgeous when I woke up that I couldn’t help but go out in the yard and feel the heat on my bones.  It was then I realized the plants needed some water on their roots and thus the distraction began.  Janne came outside and told me the time and next thing I know we are all stuffing food in our face and racing out the door for church.  Ugh.

After church Janne and Haavard went into LaConner for a while to see the town and the cute shops we have in our little town.  I describe it as a place I can buy nothing I need, but it’s still nice to go there for a look anyway.  The boys were busy playing Pokemon while Kory and I packed up our camping gear for our trip to Oregon tomorrow. 

The sun was warm and still very inviting around three, so when Janne and Haavard came back we all headed out to Anacortes to go to the beach.  The water was cold, but that didn’t stop those hardy Bjerknes boys from jumping in and going for a swim.  The rest of us took naps by the shore in the sun.  It felt good and was much needed by us all.

We stopped several places in the park for photo opportunities then back home for a late dinner.  It was a good day but still hard to stay away from the news of what’s happening in Norway.  I’ve gotten many messages and calls from friends wondering if anyone in Kory’s family was affected by this, and thankfully, I can say, no news is good news.  I’m trusting God will be able to use even this, for some good.

I am a little peeved at the American media news reports though because they are the only ones connecting this mad man with the word “Christian.”  Norway has in no way reported that he was a Christian, so it just goes to show how the media is used to shape the world’s ideas and opinions of things.  Now Americans that have some prejudice again Christians, have even more grounds to support their own ideology, but it may very well be something that was made up by the media in order to do just that.  It’s a sick world out there, and I’m not just talking about the guy in Norway.

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