Friday, July 22, 2011

Settled Back In

We have spend the last few weeks out in the yard, rain and shine, getting it back into shape – and then some.  We took on a few extra projects like cleaning out the pond, spreading five yards of beauty bark around the borders, having gravel delivered on the driveway and doing some serious pruning.  It was all worthwhile and now our place looks as nice as it ever has.  Just in time for company that arrived last night from Norway.

I must say, the last two weeks have been heavenly.  Kaleb has been busy having sleepovers with his friends here.  Kory set up a trampoline for him which we thought was going to be used for exercise, but Kaleb soon discovered it serves better as a large playing field for his Pokemon cards. 

Last weekend all our neighbors got together for a welcome back party for us and we sat high and dry here on the ridge looking out over the valley watching the lightening and rain pound down on everyone north and east of us.  We live in a little banana belt so we don’t get nearly as wet as the rest of the county.  We’ve even enjoyed several days of sunshine since we got home here on Pleasant Ridge. 

Both Kory and I loved not having to go anywhere or do anything specific and just puttering around the yard has been a dream – except for the nightmare created by the moles.  I’ve even taken to swearing when I wake up and find new piles of dirt in the yard, but I’m determined to get rid of them all using my “death mole mix” – equal parts of sugar, oatmeal and dry concrete wrapped in wax paper and stuffed down their little holes.  That’ll get ‘em.
BEFORE AND AFTER - the lilac bush fell over while we were gone

Moles are the only critter in our yard I’m not happy about.  The slugs are a pest, but much easier to deal with.  The squirrels have been at the bird feeders every day stealing their food, but they don’t even bother me that much.  We did try to get one of our trees limbed to improve our view a little, but the guy cutting down the limbs encountered a squirrel nest up in the tree.  Not only did we NOT want the squirrel babies to die, but we didn’t want the guy to get chewed up by the mama squirrel, so we’ll have to wait a few more weeks before we have that task accomplished.

A few days ago I was up early and out on the deck enjoying the warm temperatures in the quiet of the morning, when two male deer came wandering through our yard.  They munched on the leaves of the plum tree and stopped to check out the clicking of my camera.  They stuck around a while and I didn’t even mind them eating some of my garden plants.  It’s not often we get deer in our yard.

We’ve had raccoons come eat most of our goldfish in the pond since we’ve been home.  I just bought more at Wal-mart.  They are “feeder fish” for pet piranhas, so I figured I’m at least giving them some kind of life and fighting chance before they turn into raccoon food in our pond.
BEFORE AND AFTER - weeding the rockery

Normally when I’m working in the yard I encounter dozens of frogs, but for some strange reason this year, I’ve only seen one frog in the last few weeks.  At least the rabbits are still plentiful.  The bald eagles haven’t taken all of them yet, anyway.  And only one snake has been sighted so far this summer, thankfully.  It’s a real “wild life America” on our end of the ridge.  Such a change from the life we have in Norway – living in the middle of the city and only seeing an occasional bird.  But people stop by for a visit there.  Here, it’s mostly just God’s creatures of the non-talking variety.  We have had a few friends over for BBQs, however, so that’s helped us not be too lonely.

Now the nature that surrounds us is also being enjoyed by our Norwegian guests.  It’s their first time in America so I hope they don’t think everyone has it as good as we do.  We live in a special place, for sure.  Kaleb’s friend, Andre, is here with his two older brothers and his parents.  They arrived late last night and hit the stores first thing this morning.  They spent more than a thousand dollars already on shoes and clothes for the five of them and they were pleased with every penny they spent, as those items are four to five times more in Norway than they cost here.  Happy we could help them support the American economy like that.

Weeding out the Pumpkin Garden

We are looking forward to the next three weeks, as it will be like we are on vacation, too.  The weather is looking warmer and the days will soon be filled with lots of new experiences.  I love the list of things they want to do while here – “go to a drive-in movie,” “go to the spa,” “go to a gospel church,” “go to a baseball game,” “eat at Taco-Bell.”  All easy wishes to fulfill with lots of memories soon to be made.  We are truly blessed.

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